Murder in a state prison but who really cares?

By Chris Powell Connecticut’s top elected officials and members of Congress, all Democrats, excel at criticizing the private sector and the state’s regulated utilities. Indeed, there is always much to criticize, as last week state Attorney General William Tong criticized Connecticut Natural Gas for earning more money than authorized by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.Continue reading “Murder in a state prison but who really cares?”

Democrats scapegoat supermarkets for government’s inflation tax

By Chris Powell Democrats in Connecticut think they have found someone other than their national administration to blame for the inflation ravaging the country: supermarkets charging too much for groceries. So state Attorney General William Tong announced last week that he is sending letters to supermarket chains asking about their profits, and Democratic leaders inContinue reading “Democrats scapegoat supermarkets for government’s inflation tax”

Attorney general’s opinion needn’t stop ranked-choice voting

By Chris Powell With his excellent and even fascinating review last week, Connecticut Attorney General William Tong did not oppose ranked-choice voting in principle or declare it surely unconstitutional. He concluded that the concept’s constitutionality is “a close call” and so it shouldn’t be enacted without an amendment to the state Constitution. Caution is usuallyContinue reading “Attorney general’s opinion needn’t stop ranked-choice voting”