State Education Department belatedly notices Hartford school disaster

By Chris Powell At last the state Education Department seems to have noticed that long after Hartford’s school system was designated an “alliance district” and given extra state money to execute a special plan to improve student performance, performance has not improved and the school system itself is falling apart, with a $40 million budgetContinue reading “State Education Department belatedly notices Hartford school disaster”

If you chant ‘Trump’ enough, Democrats’ policy failures vanish

By Chris Powell While Donald Trump can be intemperate, reckless, and megalomaniac, that is not why he has been so damaging to politics in Connecticut. Trump is most damaging to politics here because he has provided an excuse for so many members of the state’s majority party, the Democrats, as well as their allies inContinue reading “If you chant ‘Trump’ enough, Democrats’ policy failures vanish”

Dodging poverty problem again; and no wonder kids skip school

By Chris Powell News reports say the General Assembly’s Finance Committee has approved legislation “designed to eradicate concentrated poverty” — that is, the poverty of U.S. census districts in Connecticut where 30% or more of the households have incomes below the federal poverty level. But the legislation, whose leading advocate is state Sen. John Fonfara,Continue reading “Dodging poverty problem again; and no wonder kids skip school”