Many are above the law, especially in Connecticut

By Chris Powell Responses from leading Connecticut Democrats to Donald Trump’s conviction for falsifying business records were mostly along the lines of “nobody is above the law.” U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy and U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes, both seeking re-election, Democratic State Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo, and others couldn’t be bothered to examine their tedious cliché, norContinue reading “Many are above the law, especially in Connecticut”

If you chant ‘Trump’ enough, Democrats’ policy failures vanish

By Chris Powell While Donald Trump can be intemperate, reckless, and megalomaniac, that is not why he has been so damaging to politics in Connecticut. Trump is most damaging to politics here because he has provided an excuse for so many members of the state’s majority party, the Democrats, as well as their allies inContinue reading “If you chant ‘Trump’ enough, Democrats’ policy failures vanish”

Murphy challenges Trump for biggest demagogue

By Chris Powell Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is the country’s biggest demagogue should examine the remarks made by Connecticut U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy last Saturday as the Democratic State Convention nominated him for a third term.  Trump, Murphy said, “wants to turn us against each other,” as if Murphy’s party isn’t preaching asContinue reading “Murphy challenges Trump for biggest demagogue”

State’s economy isn’t strong; and a teacher salary trick

By Chris Powell Democrats warn that Donald Trump’s return to the presidency will endanger Social Security and Medicare. Trump has made ambiguous and contradictory comments on those programs and is not the master of policy details. But as a practical matter President Biden’s administration already has made big cuts in Social Security and Medicare —Continue reading “State’s economy isn’t strong; and a teacher salary trick”

If Trump is an appeaser, Himes is a warmonger

By Chris Powell According to Connecticut U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, a Democrat, former President Donald Trump, a Republican, is guilty of “appeasement” because of his skepticism about the war between Ukraine and Russia. Himes says Trump is skeptical of the war “because he got impeached over Ukraine” and is more of an appeaser of RussianContinue reading “If Trump is an appeaser, Himes is a warmonger”

The parade of dependence slogs through the state Capitol

By Chris Powell Hearings of General Assembly committees long have been largely matters of special pleading, but increasingly they are the setting for an endless parade of people, most of them able-bodied, who say they are unable to take care of themselves and their families and need more subsidies from state government — for medicalContinue reading “The parade of dependence slogs through the state Capitol”

High school boys weren’t culture war’s aggressors

By Chris Powell According to a report in Connecticut’s Hearst newspapers, the recent destruction of a feminine hygiene products dispenser that had been installed in a boys bathroom at Brookfield High School “ignited a culture war.” But the “culture war” wasn’t ignited by the vandalism at all. It was ignited by the dispenser’s incongruous installation,Continue reading “High school boys weren’t culture war’s aggressors”

Democrats abruptly reverse their pose on illegal immigration

By Chris Powell With Governor Lamont playing a big part, Democrats across the country have abruptly reversed their posture on illegal immigration, moving from support or indifference to indignant opposition and blaming Republicans for the problem. In national television interviews the governor said immigration policy should be much stricter, Democrats had been slow to faceContinue reading “Democrats abruptly reverse their pose on illegal immigration”

What does Rosa DeLauro think about husband’s rap on Biden?

By Chris Powell Married couples are entitled to differences of opinion and separate careers. But when married couples are in politics, such differences may be of public interest. Such is the case with Connecticut U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3rd District, and her husband, Stanley Greenberg, perhaps the most prominent poll taker, political analyst, and liberalContinue reading “What does Rosa DeLauro think about husband’s rap on Biden?”