Slush fund paves the way for subsidizing strikes

By Chris Powell Connecticut state government’s mad dash to the far left produced another ridiculous moment last week when, as the Connecticut Mirror reported, “with no explanation and scant debate” the state House of Representatives approved a bill to establish what essentially would be a slush fund at the disposal of state Comptroller Sean Scanlon.Continue reading “Slush fund paves the way for subsidizing strikes”

Disability pension scandal is shocking — but not new

By Chris Powell Why is state government always short of money in the face of what are said to be compelling human needs? One reason is that compelling human needs are easily confused with human wants, which are infinite. Another reason is that state government is not at all careful with its money, especially whenContinue reading “Disability pension scandal is shocking — but not new”

The parade of dependence slogs through the state Capitol

By Chris Powell Hearings of General Assembly committees long have been largely matters of special pleading, but increasingly they are the setting for an endless parade of people, most of them able-bodied, who say they are unable to take care of themselves and their families and need more subsidies from state government — for medicalContinue reading “The parade of dependence slogs through the state Capitol”